Monday, October 27, 2008

We're back on it

Oliver has had MANY months of growing and playing and learning since our last post. Here a few from his birthday to Halloween. Enjoy!
First sips of the bubbly
Ella Sue came and showed Oliver how to party. :-) Come back Ella!!
Cake tastes good!
For moi?
Oh I get it!
Ollie's cousin Berlin has the same color hair!!
Fun with tooth pics. Thanks gramma Judy
You mean my grand-dad OWNS a tractor?!?!
Oliver is getting his skate legs!
Faster daddy, faster!
The fire station had another education/community outreach event this year. Oliver was stoked!
Move over, Uncle Nick!
I really wish I had his hair color!
The gratuitous photo in front of the sani can.

Funnest hay bale ride ever!!!
Happy Halloween!!!Drum roll please... We introduce the tiniest, and most red headed Joey Ramone ever!
Once Oliver understood that all he had to do was say trick or treat, all bets were off. Everyone make way!
Yah...Only in Corvallis would anyone make a link between a cat and an alpaca.
Oh...Hello puppy statue!

Let's kiss!

And he's spentAs most of know by now, Oliver is headed for big brotherhood. Here are some photos of the belly...or the moon. You decide. :-)

Oliver's new baby brother or sister is due November 18th. :-) We'll share as soon as we can!

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