Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yea for cooperative traveling baby! Here he and dad are passing time waiting for our flight to Utah.
Aunt Rayda picked us up from the aiport and Oliver took to her immediately! He also later took to her jewelry...
Uncle Harvey had some very interesting buttons to ponder
And Uncle Bob was good to hang out with, too!
Oliver got to experience having a bath in Grandma Judy's kitchen sink
I'm not sure what they were yelling about, but apparently they agree.
Oliver also met his Uncles Allen and Guy

And got a new outfit to wear. (Riley found it quite hilarious)

Ollie passed the time eating my phone. Thanks for the wet willy, Ollie!
By Monday morning we were packing our bags and heading to Blanding
We had to be shifty for a second prior to leaving
Hey, where is Aunt Marsha?

While in Blanding Oliver spent some quality time with his Grandad

Aunt Naida,

Grandma's bathroom sink
A four generation photo

Oliver continued his visit with mom's great Aunt Evelynne
Great Aunt Lela
Uncle Clisbee
And then we headed back up north to hang out on the linoleum in Spanish Fork
play Dominoes

On Saturday we went to Salt Lake to see my niece Shareena exit the temple a married woman. We had plenty of time to hang out with Oliver's cousin Cherise
Make friends with an old craggy tree
And deal with the cold in the most patient of ways

We'll be back for some more visits with the relatives and to enjoy the beautiful sunsets.