Sunday, September 03, 2006

These are the days of our Bean

Okay, so many pictures, and so little time, but here are a few to get the ball rolling. We are both sleep deprived, so the verbage may be limited, but your not really here to read our babbling scroll, your most likely here to check out the tiny.

I know its only gas, but I take what I can get!

This is when Oliver slept at night. MMMmmmm...sleeping at night...

MMmmm...Pinkies taste good...



Uh oh, sleep deprivation is setting in

Today we had some nice quiet awake time

this is the beginning of some frowny face ala Oli

Look at that punum!

Not that you could miss it, but check out the man hand on Oli! Anyone have an extra piano?

I swear I don't stage this

1 comment:

O said...

I love being the first to post. Very cute, getting BIG!!!
I expect 50 hours of video when I get there, I will stay up all night and watch the 4 months that I will have missed. Love you three soooo much, even though I only personally know 2 of you.