Tuesday, September 12, 2006


"baby is the new black"
the perfect new punk rock accessory

Little Oliver has regained all the weight he lost and then some! He's a sleeping, pooping, crying, and eating machine! We pay attention to his every whim.

Grandma is here for a visit, and is already filling his head with big ideas about fresh made cookies every day...

Grandpa came up to hang out for a while and run important errands for Oliver's mom...Thanks for the diapers! And what is a Ham Shank anyway?

One Happy Tomato. Yeah TOMATO!

Those wipes are c-c-c-COLD

Oli the Bink-Master...Word to your Mommys

And my parents think they are Tired

1 comment:

O said...

He screams a lot! I'm a little frightened of the pacifier that he has also...
other than that very cute!!! I'm buying my tickets home tomorrow.